Archive for July, 2008

SanDisk 4GB SDHC card and MicroMate card reader.

I purchased the SanDisk 4GB SDHC card and found that my Dell laptop with Windows XP Sevice Pack 2 did not recognize SD cards more that 2GB (or SD ver 2 cards). To get it to work, you need to be running WinXP Service Pack 3. Once I downloaded the latest Windows Update, it recognized the card+reader when I plugged it into the USB slot.


Old versions of software –

Here’s a site where you can find old versions of software that you can’t find anymore or hard to find.

For example, I was looking to 3Com 3CDaemon but it’s nowhere to be found on the web…but I finally found it here !!


Fast SD Card?

Does anyone know if there is a web site that compares the write speeds for various SD cards? The Canon XSi uses SD card and I have a Crucial 2GB SD card but I’m looking to buy a 4 or 8 GB card but want to get one with a fast write speed.

Yet another site with good photography tips.

Here is a site that was recommended to me by a friend of mine. Great site. Good tips. Awesome photos.

National Geographic Photo Tips !

National Grographic



Canon XSi Tutorial for begineers on YouTube.

I didn’t expect to receive my camera from Amazon within three days from the time I placed the order. I chose the free Super Saver Shipping and was amazed that it arrived so soon. Thank you Amazon !!

 Anyway, been playing with it all weekend and was amazed at the sharpness and quality of the shots as compared to a point-and-click digital camera. There are a million functions and buttons on the camera that I’m still trying to grasp.

So today, I thought that someone might have put a tutorial on the web and googled for it.

Here is the link. Pretty good video.

Just purchased – Canon XSi / 450D

I just ordered a Canon XSi (450D) from Amazon for $799. The reviews on dpreview and other blogs were pretty good. I wonder if there are any Canon XSi or DSLR User Group on the web.

Can’t wait to play with it when it gets here…

Canon XSi




July 2008

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